New Zealand 2007 These days I’m not walking a lot – not that I don’t want to, but unfortunately I can’t. Last weekend I sprained my ankle because I fell from high heels and it is still very blue, swollen…

A great walk – Tongariro Crossing

Happy Anniversary CIRCUMNAVIGATOR blog!
Aarhus 2012 I have a confession to make. On the one month anniversary of the CIRCUMNAVIGATOR blog, I have to admit that I actually have ulterior motives for creating this travel blog. It is not that I don’t love to…

Alpe d’Huez – not only for Tour de France bike riders, also for down hill skiers
France 2012 Driving on the road up to Alpe d’Huez you pass through 21 hairpin bends. In each of the bends there is a plate with the name of one of the Tour de France winners on the legendary mountain.…

My longest road trip in Germany
Germany 2002-2006 I have been on many great road trips until now. Both the short day trip ones and others lasting several weeks. But the longest road trip must be when I was driving around Germany as a sales representative…